Engineering company
Founder and owner: Dipl.-Ing. Anton Lenz
Projects (planning and consulting)
Rural and village development
- Reduction of non-point sources
- Decentralized flood prevention
Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment
- Surface flow wetlands for polishing and post-treatment
- Vertical and horizontal flow wetlands for biological treatment
- Overland flow wetland for polishing
Watershed management
- Reduction of point and non-point sources
- Reduction of soil erosion
- Wetland design
- Wetland restoration for the reduction of non-point pollution
Partner in research projects
- Planted soil filter for waste water treatment (BMFT-project 1985 - 1990)
- Cattail production in fens - integration of the production of raw material
- Water purification and fen protection (DBU-project 1998 - 2001)
- Renovation of the material budget in the landscape by rural development (BZA-project 2007 - 2010)